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Candidate Experience

Fixing Your Front-End Hiring Experience [Podcast]

Kevin Grossman and Sam Fitzroy discuss how to create a better front-end hiring experience and its impact on candidate conversion rates for employers.

Kevin Grossman, President of the Talent Board, and Sam Fitzroy, CEO of Dalia, sat down to chat about the current state of the front-end hiring experience and how to fix it. 

The front-end hiring experience can be defined as everything that happens before an interview takes place. Finding a new job opening, applying to that job, and scheduling an interview.

Today 95% of the job seekers who visit a job posting don't apply. Low conversion rates make hiring slower and cost more.

The answer to increasing conversions is creating a front-end experience that job seekers love. Simple, automated, and accessible from any device.

Listen below to hear more.


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